Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So this is a blog!...

So this would be a first for me! I would say I use the Internet a fair bit but I've never even looked at a blog! I'm starting to see where this course is taking us, obscure as it my seem now I'm sure by the end of this I'm going to look back and see how new to all this I really am at the moment!

So what have I learned so fare... Well I'll start with what I new already, I hate being late to start something! It leaves you in catch up mode but we do what we must! What else... Well so fare, how to start a blog. I'm sure in a couple more days I'll have more to add to this but for now I'm going to move on to my next step... If I'm able to find it! hahahah


  1. Whoopin (whoever that may be), I'm as excited about you. Blog like your life depended on it. Instead of writing something in a notebook blog it. Treat it as a research journal or as a diary. Blog like crazy. Then the penny will drop.

  2. That was supposed to read "I'm as excited about this as you." *proof-read more and be excited less Peter*
